To save space, my delightful reply is listed there.
Of course as usual, I went to check out his profile to see what kind of creep e-mails little 16 year old girls with delightful requests as mentioned above ^_^
WOW! 31 years old and in a 'Domestic Partnership'. With what? His hair? It certainly looks alive judging by the different ways it settles upon his pate, in no way making him look any less creepier than the paedophile shit that he is. And oh my! It looks like a bathroom in the background... could it be...? It's MYSPACE MAN! (nevermind if you don't get it).
Whoah. The 'Investment Bankers' Association of Singapore'. OMG THAT IS SO HOT AND SEXY! I WANT YOUR BABIES... NOT. Coupled with the hair style and your methods of trying to pick up people, you are such a winner ^_^
Granted all investment bankers work long hours and are under insane amount of stress and pressure, hence the need to find a mate online? But I AM 16! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? Go Zouk or something, seems like the music you like is similar to the music being played in such nightspots.
Of course the kicker came when I read this off his profile, blown up to be read easier:
MONEY! HOLY SHIT HE'S NOT ONLY A WINNER, BUT HE'S A MATERIALISTIC WINNER! Normally if people want to be materialistic and all, fine, whatever floats your boat, but not when the girl you try to 'get to know better' has clearly stated on her profile:
What is wrong with your eyes? You have 4 of them judging by the pictures. You could have an IQ of 199 and I'd still think you are stupider than a mentally addled goat.
Anyway his reply to my message was the first sign of intelligence I have observed from this... thing.
Indeed! And my reply: "Yes, I am truly sorry to not have made your fine acquaintance. Good luck finding another 'most beautifull girl that (you've) seen in your life'."
And so ends my short but sweet correspondence with this man.
In a final twist of irony the original target of my existence did visit someone's Friendster account... Melodie's. Not mine, at all! HAHAHAHA.
He didn't take the bait at all, but I still think he's a great waste of space. *Shrugs*
And yes, I am aware I didn't erase all the parts of creepy shit's name. My bad.