Yesterday night I received a message from... a female! Yes I know, I was quite disturbed when I saw it. I thought it might be some despo lesbian trying to pick me up, though to be fair the girl in the picture looked fairly 'hot'.
Then I opened the message:
"Oh, it's some spam."
Then I clicked on the website given, and her profile. I saw the profile first and it looked like a fairly legitimate profile, nothing about it seemed to be the front of a fake account promoting the other website.
Of course there was the token plug for that website:
Everything seemed fine and dandy. I think. Then I went to the link provided.
Oh me eyes me eyes! THEY BURN. For decency's sake and the sanity of everyone who read this, I have very nicely drawn bikini tops and bottoms on the offending body parts in the screenshot I have taken of the website:
Yes. I have been asked to go for a videocam community which specialises in nude females. WTF. To make things worse, my age is stated as '17' on the profile. What the hell. Spam or not, this is highly disturbing. If it isn't spam someone out there thinks I'll look good nude, if it's not then young girls are probably viewing the website and might get influenced. Now I am not some high and mighty morality person, but DUDE COME ON!
Anyway I sent this reply to 'Jessie':
'Hey, I'd love to join, unfortunately I believe the minimum age to join is 18. I am 17. If there's no age restriction, I'd love to join!'
I would really like the see the reply from this one.
Nightmare inducing.