I am a very nice girl and you can see my friendster profile here. Please add me!
Anyway in my first posting, I'd like to start off with a guy called Wee (or henceforth know as creepozoid #2).
Wee appears to be some university graduate, his friendster pictures are of him in his graduating gown and cap. Weirdo. So anyway he added me, which surprised me a lot because I had never heard of him before and we had no friends on common. Strange. So anyway I checked again today before this blog entry and he added Pamela from B1. Stranger!
So he sent me this message, which I just saw yesterday:
Dude. Like WTF? For obvious reasons I have erased off his e-mail and his handphone number. What part of '16 years old' do you NOT get? Anyway this guy gives me the creepy vibes. Since he wasn't on the original agenda, nor the original target, I'll just see what happens. I'll reply him after tomorrow or something when I have time to craft out a proper reply that is fitting ^_^
Also I have noted one other thing, that when you post a picture of yourself online, you get loads of strange people looking at your profile.
Minus Melodie, my friend, the rest are people I've never even heard of in my life! I like the way how one of them is named after a bra brand or something (La Senza), one is called Sun and the other is called '-FreeZe'. It's like a juxtaposition of hot and cold (the sun and uh, ice) which brings out the inherent weirdness of having a name like 'Senza' and in Melodie's case, looking like a green tiger.
So anyway, this is my first post! I'll post more on the orignal target and creepozoid #2 at a later time. Wish me luck for my Lit exam tomorrow!
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